donderdag 18 oktober 2012

week 42: Patterns

A while back I got CS 6 on my computer, it stands for Creative Suit 6 and has the programs Indesign, Photoshop and Illustrator. They're the programs most used by graphic designers (like me). Illustrator is my alltime favourite!

In Illustrator they added a lot of extra's to make patterns. So I had to dive in! It's always been my secret wish to design wallpaper and fabrics! Let me show you what I've made so far:

I started with the one above. I tryed to make a retro style. It's a little static (don't know if it's the right word). But nice to begin with :) (I thought of a teatowel)

Then I tryed to make a design, where you wouldn't see the repeat of the design so clearly. That's very difficult, I didn't succeed, but it's a beginning. (my next challenge!!)

Then I tryed to design a few patterns, that would make a good combination together. (Just in case they become fabrics one day, and I want to make a quilt of it ;) )

Another one

and another one.

And this is what my future quilt would look like :)

Please, tell what you think!

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